Jane Bekman:
> While I disagree that the bee list does not meet the needs of a hobby
> beekeeper (I find the various beekeeping newsletters from around the
> country to be fascinating), I think it would be great to also have a
> beekeeping newsgroup.
        My suggestion for a newsgroup is not meant to slight the researchers.
It is meant to introduce people to beekeeping and be an easiliy findable source
of information for folks. It took me a month to find bee-l and I'm a 4 year
net-veteran. It would be harder for a newbie.
        I can guarrantee 3 votes from here and I could probably scare up a few
more. I'd like it to be a "real" group as oppsed to an alt. group for the
simple reason that sites don't carry any/all alt. groups. I also think that
researchers should be into whatever group gets going and that the newsletters
should be there too. they are a good source of info, even for the newbie
keepers like myself.
Dave D. Cawley            |
University Of Scranton    |
[log in to unmask]      |
ddc1@SCRANTON             |