As a beekeeper and professional person (although in the computer field, not
in my chosen degree of biology) of a sober 40 years, I resent being lumped
with the sophmoric claptrap of the net kiddies, simply because I contributed
a myth from the legends of my ancestors in Finland.
I realize that the traffic on the net has been a strain on the nerves of us
all, lately (none the less because it has been cluttering up a work mailbox
that has been getting several dozen bug reports a day), but could we resist
the temptation to insult those of us who have serious asperation after
knowledge, but merely have contributed something other than varroa reports
to the list?  (Not that I don't find the varroa reports interesting.)
I think it is sad that folks have had to resign this list merely to escape
the net.kiddies who have discovered a new toy to amuse themselves and
annoy others.  I expect that this posting will result in lots of mail from
the kiddies, who will now decide to annoy ME.  My advice to them is to
attempt to find a life, hard as that may be.  Maybe even get a degree in
biology or something.
Thank you.  Peace on earth, good will to humanity and the genus Apis.
Jane Beckman  [[log in to unmask]]