> From: EJ Fnord <[log in to unmask]>
> EJ Fnord
> Book owner and Twelve-year-old
        I'm suprised you're *that* old judging by your maturity level. Sure
I love a good joke just like the next guy...but 35 messages about nothing?!?
I thinkn that's a little excessive, don't you?
        BTW, I like the mythology thread.
        BTW2, Anybody out there near North East PA who has anything (equipment
wise ) they'd like contribute to a starting beekeeper please drop me a line.
Dave D. Cawley            |     My attitude toward everyone's sexual
University Of Scranton    |     persuasion is this: without deviation
[log in to unmask]      |     from the norm, progress is not possible.
ddc1@SCRANTON             |                             -Frank Zappa