From: [log in to unmask]
Dear BEE-Liners:
                So many colleagues have now suggested that we bumblebee
people need our own LISTSERV (or, to get modern about it, the Internet
equivalent of a LISTSERV) that I have decided to set one up.  With no
great feat of imagination, I have designated the name of the list to be
"Bombus", and the address to which messages should be posted is:
                        [log in to unmask]
If you wish to join (or to un-join) the list, please send a message to:
                        [log in to unmask]
and (in the interest of informality), merely give me your Internet
address and tell me what it is that you want to do . . . (i.e., don't
bother about including any specific keywords, or feel that you have to
conform to any IBM-directed formatting conventions).
  Best regards, Chris Plowright.
P.S.  My thanks to Keith White (the manager of <>) for
making it possible to open this list . . .
P.P.S.  There are quite a few subscribers to BEE-L who, I thought,
should probably be included "ex-officio" on the Bombus list.  In the
end, I decided that to put people on the list unilaterally would be an
invasion of their privacy, so if you want to join, please ask . . .
Chris Plowright - via the University of Ottawa
Return addresses: via INTERNET: [log in to unmask]
                  via UUCP    : ...uunet!mitel!cunews!csi2!uplow!chris