Hello all bee-lovers!
I can now annonce that you have the possebility by anonymous-FTP
can get the following files from ftp.sunet.se.
-r--r--r--  1 9500     1100        36758 Oct 22 21:59 beefiles.txt
This file contains sample of Bee files circulating inside the Beenet.
-r--r--r--  1 9500     1100        16763 Oct 22 22:00 beeinfo.txt
This file contains info about BEENET.
-r--r--r--  1 9500     1100         2690 Oct 22 22:00 bidata.txt
This file contains info about the DEMO-version of BIDATA.
PC Databasprogram develooped for Beekeepers by a beekeeper.
-r--r--r--  1 9500     1100       435809 Oct 22 22:01 bidata.zip
This file contains the BIDATA DEMO program, in compressed form.
You find all files on ftp.sunet.se in directory:
You are wellcome to get the files, if you have some articels or other
intresting for beekeepers you can put it on ftp.sunet.se under /uploads.
If you dont know how ftp is working, ask your computersupport.
Staffan Str|m        Telia Data AB
Mail:  Telia Data AB, G|ta Ark, S-118 81 STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN
Telephone:  (+46) 8 45 614 33
FAX:    (+46) 8 642 10 47
INTERNET:  [log in to unmask]