Summary:  The plea in my earlier posting was to help keep the NZ
          magazine going.  The newsletter *should* still remain
          after the efforts at cost cutting!
I'm sorry if I've caused some confusion to readers of the
The National Beekeepers Assn actually has two publications - a
quarterly magazine, the NZ Beekeeper, and a monthly newsletter,
Buzzwords.  Several readers of the list thought I was referring
to the pending demise of the newsletter, a much 'chattier' and
informal vehicle...
I post (as regularly as I can remember!) Buzzwords to the LIST
(as I have it on disk after helping to produce it).  The NZ
Beekeeper magazine would most likely be found in nearby research
libraries.  It has a 50 year publishing history (Buzzwords has
been around for only 5) and has been, at times, one of the finest
research and industry organisation magazines in the world.
The decision by the National Executive is to scrap the magazine,
but keep the newsletter (in SOME format - that's not so sure at
this stage!).  Assuming Buzzwords survives, I'll continue to post
it to here, hopefully.  I am saddened at the potential passing of
a major research-publishing magazine, and think the international
beekeeping scene will lose something with its passing.
          Nick Wallingford
      Bay of Plenty Polytechnic
 (East coast, N Island, New Zealand)
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