Dear Sirs:
        Please consider continuing publication of the New Zealand
Beekeeper.  This  publication provides views and information to the
English speaking beekeeping world which are not American.  The
similarities and differences of beekeeping in that part of the world
provide valuable experiences and information to the rest.
        Your magazine has a long and illustrious history which would be
a shame to lose.  Economics are  impacting the beekeeping industry
around the world, but if those difficulties could be overcome, I think
New Zealanders and much of the rest of the world would be benefitted.
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> Summary:  NZ Beekeeper may cease publication.  I request
>           support from overseas readers to assist in lobbying
>           for its continuation.
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> Many beekeepers, researchers and advisory personnel will be
> familiar with the New Zealand Beekeeper magazine.  This quarterly
> journal has been published for over 50 years by the National
> Beekeepers Association of N.Z.  It contains articles for the
> practical beekeeper, research and technical information, hobbyist
> pages and industry and organisation material.
> At a meeting two days ago, the National Executive decided to
> cease publication of the magazine on cost saving grounds.  To
> many of us, the costs are not great when compared to the value
> the magazine gives to the industry, both direct and indirect.
> I would like to ask readers of the BEE-LIST are familiar with the
> magazine to provide me with messages that I will forward to the
> National Executive.  I would like for you to help me to convince
> them of the part the magazine plays in international perception
> and reputation of our country and its beekeeping.
> Thank you for your help.
> -------------------------------------
>           Nick Wallingford
>       Bay of Plenty Polytechnic
>      Internet [log in to unmask]
> -------------------------------------
| Stephen Bambara    NCSU-Entomology, Box 7626, Raleigh NC 27695-7626   |
| Voice: (919) 515-3140      |  INTERNET: [log in to unmask]         |
| FAX:   (919) 515-7273      | 2% of the population feeds the other 98%