There are smart ways, using ammonia, I think to make furniture cream, but
good honest beeswax polish can be made, basically, by mixing beeswax with
turpentine (genuine, not substitute).
I use a honey jar, either crumble up or put through a cheese-grater the
wax, pour in turpentine (in about equal volumes), shake a bit, then wait
overnight. Some advocate heating (e.g. in a water bath), but the mixture
is extremely flammible and this is too dangerous for me. With patience,
it will all dissolve anyway. Keep the lid on most of the time or it will
dry out.
For application (e.g. to oak furniture), I use a bit of coarse hessian
sacking kept for the purpose, leave to dry and finish off with a linen
Any good?
-Brian Styles
Dr Brian C. Styles,
Computing Systems Manager
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