> Has anyone seen carpenter bees in the Atlantic Provinces?
> Does anyone know what bumble bee blossom damage looks like?  The
> literature says they chew holes in the bloom.  I see nothing in
> the blossoms I examined that suggest chewing of any sort.
> Any other suggestions of what could be causing this type of
> damage?  The grower wondered if it might be caused by vespid
> wasps.
Another possibility is that Ceratina are responsible. If I had to put
money on anything, it'd be that or Bombus.
-------(please include "DY" in subj header of mail to this user)--------
Doug Yanega        Illinois Natural History Survey, 607 E. Peabody Dr.
Champaign, IL 61820  (AND Snow Museum, Univ. of KS, Lawrence, KS 66045)