> Ike Norton 18-May-1993 2216 <[log in to unmask]> writes:
> 2.  Those bubble caps are Drone bees.  They are sometimes comared
> to Bullets.
Just wondering...what is the likelihood that a queen will deposit a
worker egg into a drone cell?  And if she does, will the hive police
cannibalize it?
I've never seen a worker develop in our drone frames, but that does not
necessarily mean the queen always lays unfertilized eggs into them.
On a side note...has anyone also noticed that if you place an empty frame
(no foundation) into an A. mellifera hive, the workers produce drone
cells?  Our visiting scholar from China in our laboratory states that
A. cerana workers build worker cells.  Anyone know why the difference?
Paul C. Cheng ([log in to unmask])             "The French find my music
Department of Entomology, UC Davis              beyond their powers of per-
(916) 752-0333                                  formance." L. van Beethoven
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&  Droles de gens que ces gens-la!  &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&