Science writer looking for contact in Brazil.  I review
books for New Scientist and have accumulated a nice
stack, including several on bees, insects, biology in
general.  I would be willing to ship them to Brazil to
go to an impoverished institution that could not afford
them.  In return I would like to have a scientific con-
tact on e-mail willing to do very occasional research--
once or twice a year--involving a phone call or two in
|-Jonathan D. Beard-----------|--Internet [log in to unmask]
|-Science Writer and----------|--CompuServe 72301,563--------|
|-Photo Researcher------------|--Phone-212-749-1055----------|
|-820 West End Avenue 3B------|--Fax 212-749-9336------------|
|-New York City 10025-5328----|------------------------------|