>I am trying to track down some information on the effects of
>chloramine (NH-2Cl) on the biology of honeybees.  One of the
>local water districts has had an enquiry (complaint?) from a
>beekeeper. The beekeeper is concerned about the use of chloramine
>for treatment of domestic water supplies.  He uses domestic water
>to make up sugar solutions, and, I suppose, as a water supply for
>the bees.  The chloramine is added to the domestice water
>supply at 1.0 mg/l.  The people I have contacted are not aware
>of any data on the subject.
I don't know of chloramine and bees, but chloramine and chlorine are also
toxic to aquarium fish.
There are various "chlorine removers" available for fish at pet supply
shops to remove chlorine/chloramine from tap water.  The solution may be as
simple as using this for the bees, unless it is also toxic to them.
I believe the active ingredient in chlorine removers is sodium thiosulfate.