Hi there bee-liners
I'm putting out a plea to any IBRA members (or anyother kind volunteer!)
who is going to attend the entomology congress in Beijing in June.
We can't get the funds to send anyone from IBRA and so are hoping a
someone will offer to put out some of our promotional literature at the
congress (as much or as little as you can take).
Anyone able to offer to help - please contact me.
Thanks in anticipation.
PS re: Peter Kevan's question about memory transfer - I've had a look in
the IBRA library but cannot find any mention of Ray's work.  All I've
found is a 1978 paper by Martin, Martin and Lindauer in J. Comp.
Physiol. A 124: 193-201 "Transplantation of a time signal in honey
bees".  Very interesting work - if its for real!
                           Pam Munn
| E-mail     : [log in to unmask]     |      Mail: IBRA,                  |
| Phone      : +44 222 372409           |             18, North Road,       |
| Fax        : +44 222 665522           |              Cardiff,             |
|---------------------------------------|               South Glamorgan     |
|  Please state if the message is for   |                CF1 3DY            |
|  someone else within IBRA             |            United Kingdom         |