i suspect every race of bees will get some votes.  let me chime in with a
good experience of my own: i usually get italians.  a coupla years ago i got
a box of Starlines (which i believe is a variety of italians).  they are the
most gentle and productive bees i've ever had.  i suspect that soon now the
queen will be superceded and i'll be back to italians.  requeening is
apparently not a simpler matter (i've never done it--the descriptions and
possible pitfalls imtimidate me--i have too many problems with overwintering
kills to want to add the complications of requeening).
a box of italians i got last spring, on the other hand, was the most cranky
bunch of bugs i've had the displeasure of owning. i hope their second year is
more pleasant.
gentility is, of course, only one factor to consider--overwintering ability,
spring build-up, tendency to propolize, disease resistance, and productivity
are more important in my opinion.  if the AHB ever gets established in the
north, you'll laugh about difference in temperament between itialians and,
say, caucasians.