I had already heard about the article but haven't yet seen it.  I plan to
check it out.
I can add some contextual information about the author.  Sue Hubbell is the
author of two books, "A Country Year" (which I have read) and "A Book of
Bees -- and How to Keep Them" (which I have not).  She once lived in New
York City in a corporate lifestyle of some sort.  Following divorce, she
moved at middle age to the Ozarks a few hours southwest of here and took up
commercial beekeeping (known locally as "the bee lady").  She marketed her
honey to tony outlets, including (I believe) Neiman Marcus in Dallas.  "A
Country Year" includes some pleasant anecdotes about her honey business and
beekeeping.  The books came out nearly simultaneously a couple of years ago,
and she got good local press and reviews about them.  I heard, but don't know
for sure, that she has since moved back to New York.
My only a priori expectation on the "Smithsonian" piece is that it will be
well written.
I highly recommend "A Country Year" as a cozy fireside read.
-  Jim Hunt