Most of the papers involving this subject treat UV alone and without
reference to the rest of the insect visual spectrum. The problems with this
approach are given in:
Kevan, P. G. 1979. Vegetation and floral colors using ultraviolet light:
   interpretational difficulties for functional significance.
   Amer. J. Botany 66:749-751.
For pictures and discussion:
Kevan, P. G. 1972. Can. J. Botany 50: 2289 -
Mulligan, G. A. & P. G. Kevan, 1973. Can J. Botany 51: 1939 -
Daumer, K. 1958. Zeitschrift fur vergleichende Physiologie 41: 49 -
Loew, E. R. & J. N. Lythgoe, 1985 Endeavour 14: 170 -     [this paper
cites neither the work of Kevan & co-workers, nor Daumer, yet presents
interesting false colour images of flowers using the same colour mixing
schemes as presented by Kevan and by Daumer ... it is interesting that
the false colour renditions by video come very close to the hand coloured
false colour renditions presented by Kevan in 1978, but without
apparently recognizing that work]
Kevan, P. G. 1978. In: The Pollination of Flowers by Insects. (Ed. by
A.J.Richards) Linnean Soc. Symp. No. 6. Academic Press. pp. 51 -
Kevan, P. G. 1983. In: The Handbook of Experimental Pollination Biology.
(Ed. by C. E. Jones & R. J. Little) Scientific and Academic Publ. (Van
Nostrand). pp. 3 -
There are quite a number of works on the UV patterns of flowers from as
far back as the 1880's. These are cited by Kevan 1972, 1978, 1983, and
by Silbergleid, R. E. 1979 Annual Rev. Ecol. Systematics 10: 373 -
More recent work has been published by David Inouye and Graham Pyke on
the alpine flora of Australia (Aust. J. Ecol in the last two or three
years). I received, very recently, a paper from Europe on the flora
of part of Europe, but again it concentrated almost exclusively on
UV. I'm sorry, I can not put my hands on that paper right now. It is
all in German and in an obscure journal, if I remember correctly.
I hope that this gives you something to go on.
Oh, a very nice paper by Menzel, R. 1990 "Color vision in flower visiting
insects" is available from the author:
Prof. Dr. R. Menzel, Institut fur Neurobiologie
Freien Universita"t Berlin
Konigin-Luise-Strasse 28 - 30
1000 Berlin 33, Germany.
Cheers and good luck. Peter Kevan