I have had an inquiry from probably the same person via a Brazilian in
New York on this subject.  For a market, I suggest calling Dr. Bradford
Weeks, President of the North American Apiotherapy Society, Box 74,
North Hartland, VT 05052, ph 802-295-6383...there used to be a company
in Pennsylvania some years back there was a company called Vespa Labs, R.D.#1,
Springs Mills Pennsylvania 16875, ph 814-422-8165.  I believe it was run
by a former faculty member at Penn State Univ.  I published on it in the
June issue of my newsletter at Ohio State University, called Beekeeping
Notes...Those of you who express interest in receiving APIS on this
network should know that the first issue I ever published in Ohio was
in June 1978--an issue has come out almost every month since that time under
the names beekeeping notes, hum of the hive (Florida) and now apis...
Tom Sanford, Extension Apiculturist, University of Florida