Some years back Roger Morse and Bill Cogshall were running some experiments
extracting wax from slumgum (the highly technical term for the bee cocoons,
dead bees, and other dross remaining after wax is melted from combs).
They got some remarkable results of bright yellow wax with very high
efficiency extraction from adding some detergents while heating the mess with
water.  I don't know if this was ever published, nor exactly which detergents
to use.  Perhaps you could contact Morse at Dept of Entomology, Cornell U,
Ithaca, NY 14853 for more detail.
Aside from this, a standard method of cleaning up wax to some extent is to melt
it with water, so that any honey dissolves, some insoluble material sinks to
the bottom, and the wax floats.  It can be melted in a solar oven, a microwave,
or on a stove.  Be very careful, though, as hot wax is VERY flammable!
Wax can also be sun bleached to some extent, and this is used commercially at
times to get a whiter wax.