On Wed, 22 May 91 11:10:09 EDT <MDO@NIHNEI31> said:
>A neighbor of mine in Maryland asked me for assistance in removing a
>colony of honeybees from her the walls of her house (since I keep a few
>hives down the road she thought I might be able to help).  They enter
>through a hole in the outer wall at the second story level and have set
>up shop in the wall.  Evidently a swarm moved in about 6 weeks ago.
>What are the options other than chemicals, and if chemicals must be
>used, what are the preferred ones and how should they be applied.
On a similar, but different note: does anyone have advice or experience
(seriously, now) about people wanting to keep bees in the house in
a hive.  I have talked off-and-on to a local keeper who said he knows
of a number of people who keep hives successfully in their garage or
other location and create a pathway discretely away so the neighbors
are not aware.  This has me very curious.
Also, he said that some people have found it interesting to put an
empty hive out whereever it will be located about a month before
they are really going to start.  When people complain that there are
problems, more bees, more stinging, etc. it can be easily demonstrated
that it's psychological because the hive is empty.
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