We are trying to overwinter an observation hive for the first time
this year. The hive has 3 frames (2 deep and 1 shallow) vertically
above each other. It is in an unheated corridor with a pipe to
outside. I once spoke to someone who had overwintered a hive
in this way in Scotland (colder than here), but I don't remember
how he did it. I would also welcome advice.
The problem is similar to that of overwintering full-size beehives
indoors as in Canada. I have a paper by McCutcheon, D.M. (1984)
Indoor wintering of hives. Bee World 65(1), 19-37. It is
available from the International Bee Research Association as a
reprint. It seems that 4 degrees C works well but who knows for
an observation hive ?
   William Kirk, University of Keele, Staffs., U.K.
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