A new service will now be part of BEE-L!!  You may see here new articles
appearing in scientific periodicals.  This will be done on a regular basis
by several subscribers.  If you are willing to help by covering a couple
of journals that you regularly read, please do so and send a note that
you will be doing this to [log in to unmask]  In a few weeks, a list of the
reviewed journals will be listed.
Seeley, T.D.  1989.  The honey bee colony as a superorganism.  Am Scientist
º  Edward E. Southwick             Department of Biology         º
º  Phone 716-395-5743              State University of New York  º
º  FAX   716-395-2416              Brockport, New York 14420     º
º  BITNET SOUTHWIK@BROCK1P         U.S.A.                        º