I've tried to keep my opinion to myself.

I have had PPD. I am a PPD counsellor. I'm a midwife, IBCLC.

Yes, we do need to give moms 'permission' to not breastfeed.

As in pregnancy with the question of taking or not taking antidepressants -
the mom's mental well being needs to be taken into paramount consideration.
Will she cope if she is not on medication? Has she had suicidal ideations
or attempts in her past? Yes, there is a risk to baby (some meds more than

Mental illness is a sickness, not a weakness.

I have seen moms first hand feel like complete and utter failures as moms
and human beings due to breastfeeding issues. Add to that pressure from
family to continue at all costs? Or an LC that says she can't go to
formula? Moms that can't pump at work?

Breastfeeding does not equate the best of mothering - especially if a mom's
mental health status, emotional well being and self esteem are on the verge
of breaking.

The first rule is to FEED THE BABY. Does baby have failure to thrive? Is
mom having failure to thrive? Having someone in their corner can make or
break a mom sometimes.

Yes, I have been called a miracle worker with clients. I have also been
told by clients I helped them to stay sane by giving 'permission' to not

My clients know the risks. They also know the risks of suicide. I'm
Canadian Indian - we are surrounded by suicide.  All my clients hear me
talk about how breastfeeding can help overcome intergenerational trauma.
Parenting from a healthy centre can also help overcome intergenerational

If I can help moms to feel supported and LOVED in their decision, a
decision which keeps her mentally well, a decision which allows her to hold
that baby in love not fear of pain or pain or resentment - I have had a
successful day.

There are clients who stop breastfeeding because they don't want to parent,
which is very said. Or they want to go out with their friends without baby
- which, again, is sad.

But it is their choice.  Informed choice, detailed, but their choice.

Parenting from a happy centre makes for happier babies and moms.

Half of my breastfeeding class is parenting - so those who choose to stop
breastfeeding, or choose to not breastfeed - know what it takes to make for
healthy and happy children.

Plus - my mom breastfeed me. Did she ruin my health? No, thank you very
much :)  She gave me my healthy centre in childhood which allowed me to
have a strong core as I grew up.


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