At least in theory, PubMed does not select scientific literature with a
criterion of language of publication, but based on the trustworthiness of
the journal.
Perhaps an additional selection criterion is that the journal gives at
least the english translation of the title, because all foreign language
entries in pubmed seem to have a bracketed translated english title in the
TITLE field.

These are the number of pubmed databases entries in the 10 most represented
English 19 million
German 806000
French 678000
Russian 665000
Japanese 401000
Spanish 300000
Chinese 240000
Italian 204000
Polish 169000
Portuguese 85000

So, roughly 15% of pubmed entries are in languages other than english,
probably more than a fair share of what is scientifically relevant today.

You can select the language using the advanced search.
Here some examples of pubmed searches, with the items found.

(breastfeeding) AND "english"[Language]  30768 items found
(breastfeeding) NOT "english"[Language]  4848 items found (again, about
(breastfeeding) AND "italian"[Language] 289 items found
allattamento[Transliterated Title] 68 items found
allattamento 0 items found

Note that the most efficient search strategy is to search with subject in
english adding
NOT "english"[Language]
It picks up the entries because the TITLE field is translated in english
You may want to keep the subject search more general than otherwise, since
the NOT "english"[Language] is a big filter anyway.

Note that if you want to search also with the foreign language word, you
have to search in the TRANSLITERATED TITLE field, because even if you
search in ALL FIELDS, this search does not include the TRANSLITERATED TITLE
field. Sometimes with this method you can pick up entries which are missed


On Sat, Feb 15, 2014 at 6:53 AM, Lisa Marasco IBCLC <[log in to unmask]>wrote:

> For those who live in Europe, what database would you search to find
> lactation-related articles?  For that matter, where would one search for
> Russian or Chinese articles?  PubMed does not catch everything worldwide.
> Thanks,
> Lisa Marasco
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