Sarah Vaughan <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> On 19/03/2012 17:23, mary westra wrote:
> > I have 2 questions. First can anyone recommend a website or blog that
> > gives support and advice for mothers who need to do long term pumping?
> When I pumped at work, I was on the PumpMoms Yahoo mailing list, at 
>, which is for all pumping
> mothers (whether occasional, regular, at work, exclusive... whatever).
> Haven't been there in ages but it was always an excellent supportive 
> list when I was there, and still seems to be going strong.  To join, 
> they would need to register with Yahoo Groups, which is easy enough to
> do and allows you to join any mailing list on there.  I know there's one
> for mothers who exclusively pump as well, although I obviously never 
> joined that one and so don't have the URL offhand.

It's EPers,

Note however that it's only for dyads who can't nurse. Those EPing by
choice can seek help at PumpMoms or the iVillage message boards for

Lara Hopkins 


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