
*Sometimes* the reason that sweet baby is breech is because he didn't have the "muscle" to get himself down into the appropriate position. In such cases of generalized hypotonia it's not uncommon to also see a high, vaulted palate even in the absence of a tongue tie. I have certainly observed this and of course the more severe the hypotonia the more obvious it is, but a history of being breech is always a red flag for me. I feel like I may actually have a reference for that somewhere but I am getting on a plane in two hours and don't have time to hunt right now! This wouldn't necessarily explain them getting markedly better after the first 24 hours but lots of the other responses on recovery form c-sec/transition to extra-utero life could account for some of that.

-Laura Wasielewski MS, CCC-SLP, IBCLC
Los Angeles, CA


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