Excellent post, Jodine. Thank you for writing this.

Were not impressed with Stephanie Armour when she contacted us. Her angle was more than clear. I am glad she brought this up though. There seems to be quite some confusion about milk sharing and selling but I guess this does bring good attention to networks like ours.

I really appreciate James Akre and his call to dialogue and collaboration between *all* parties involved in milk sharing. His article was phenomenal. Here a link to it for those who want to read it: 

Eats On Feets remains dedicated to putting out information about safe milk sharing for the community at large and the professionals supporting it. We are constantly engaging with researchers, nurses, peditricians and lactation consultants. We are starting our own research as well, looking into safety and social aspect of community milk sharing, limitations, challenges, need for governmental cooperate etc with regards to milk sharing. These are exciting times! 



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