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I saw a babe today who has her mother's tongue.  She (both babe and mom) are able to to elevate the tongue, but the floor of the mouth tents really far up.  The tongue appears long and u shaped.  However, when babe sticks tongue out it is skinny and dented in the front.  If babe opens mouth and tries to extend tongue it takes on a slide or S shape.   When babe sucks on my finger she has proper tongue placement over gumline and some peristaltic motion, but she does use more suction.  Babe's weight is great and is 5 pp and put on an ounce a day from birth already.  Mom has severe cracking at the base of the nipple where the babe's upper gumline hits.

My question is whether this is submucosal tt?  My gut says yes, but I would love to find a picture or article to demonstrate that that is what I am looking at.

Thank you in advance.

Lea Rivera Todaro, ABD and IBCLC
Brooklyn, NY


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