Thank you for your response, Virginia! Both articles were a great read and I am looking forward to the March Issue of Midwifery! I looked online at Wiley's for the e-print but could not find it.

You write: :We must be very careful, in discussing providing safe human milk to babies,
not to go overboard and create the public and professional perception that
human milk is a risky fluid and something to excite suspicion, and that the
stuff from the factory or the farm is utterly (or udderly?) safe and
beneficent. The reason why women seek human milk is precisely because of
their justifiable concerns about animal milk and other artificial mixtures."

I absolutely agree with this! Every single news article out there about milk sharing has warnings on how dangerous it is and of course milk banks are considered or represented as the only authority in safe milk sharing. There are many issues with this as many of us know. 

Thanks again,



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