>I thought I saw here that studies showed small cell foundation did 
not solve the varroa issue.

It would be interesting to see a cell size test which
observes mite population over winter.  That is 
when I observed mites having great mortality
as compared to larger cells.

>So I have an obvious question. Is small cell, and the trouble 
migrating bees to smaller cells, worth it at all? I have a new class 
of the Indiana Beekeeping School coming up on January 28, and I'd like to know.

Speaking from 20 years experience with SC

It is difficult for beginners to successfully migrate
to small cell, unless they have a support network.

I would not promote small cell as a 'singular mode 
of varroa control', OR any other mode as a 'singular
mode,'  varroa control works best when several 
modes are implemented together.

What I recommend:
Varroa is no longer a problem in my area, so
I am recommending a cell size which seems to
be preferred by the ferals in my area,  (SW PA)
I recommend to new-bees that they use 5.1 mm 
foundation, due to the fact that most ferals insist 
on 5.1 to 5.2 mm.  A regression to 5.1 is easily 
achieved in most cases.

Best Wishes,
Joe Waggle
SW. Pennsylvania


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