> Ellis, Hayes, Ellis
> http://www.springerlink.com/content/lk80j0017v01w026/

In scanning the abstract, I note this, and think it very interesting:

"we found that the use of small cell foundation did not significantly affect cm2 total brood"

Years back when we compared 5.25mm cells (Pierco) to 5.35mm cells (Permadent) and found the bees drew roughly the same number of cells during the time of the test, but a lesser _area_ in the smaller cells.  They produced more honey on the smaller cells in our test.  (Note those 5.25mm Pierco cells are actually around what most people consider'normal' size for most EHB -- 5.2mm -- not 'small cell' as defined by the 4.9 crowd, and were compared to cells which are in the larger range -- 5.35 -- suited to some strains of EHB).

If bees raise the same "cm2 total brood" in larger and smaller cells, then they are raising more bees in the smaller cells.

This is of interest in regions where ambient temperatures can be cold during build-up periods.

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