We just deleted quite a few messages out of the BEE-L incoming queue for Guidelines violations.

The primary violations are

1. Quoting the entire previous message(s) and footers in a reply
2. Large and irrelevant tag lines, footers and/or disclaimers.

The moderators are inclined to be a bit lenient, especially in the case of those who work for government and have no control on what their IT department appends to their outgoing mail, or those posting important information -- and less lenient in the case of trivial or redundant messages or the case of those who have been personally warned repeatedly. 

Nevertheless, over 95% of messages received are accepted and relayed to the list.

Please consult the guidelines which are posted at the end of every outgoing BEE-L message and look your outgoing messages over before sending.

The goal is to make BEE-L easy and pleasant to read, and to keep the archives clear of debris so they are easy to search and read.

We hope everyone consults the archives regularly.  They stretch back to 1989 and contain a great deal of beekeeping history and opinion on virtually any topic.  Please remember to use the advanced search, as the basic search is somewhat deficient.


The BEE-L mailing list is powered by L-Soft's renowned
LISTSERV(R) list management software.  For more information, go to:

Guidelines for posting to BEE-L can be found at: