Im not even sure where to start when I ask this. Im a LLLL & a BFPC for WIC who sat the exam this year (praying for passing!).  I have three children - a set of twins, and then a singleton who was born with a cleft of her soft palate. 
We tried desperately to breastfeed and despite not having the BF relationship I had hoped for, I was still able to bring in an amazing supply and provide her exclusive breastmilk for 14 months. I also donated 700+ oz to 5 other babies. I often frequent the cleft advocate board and there are always moms who want to breastfeed their cleft affected babies, or at least want to be able to provide breastmilk to them and yet it seems like there isn't much information about it or how to do it. 

I know when I found out my daughter had a cleft I searched the internet for everything and anything I could find. I contacted a dozen of very knowledgeable breastfeeding professionals and still there wasn't much. Not many have worked with or had a cleft affected baby.   Id love to write something like "So, your child has a cleft?" Everything you've ever wanted to know about feeding your cleft affected child.  But I don't even know where I would start.  Since having her, I've also worked with a few others some who were successful, at least for a short duration! 

I know that no two experiences are the same but in my own learning I feel I've learned so much about different techniques, positions, feeding methods, etc. How to bring in a great supply etc etc.  I'd love to get it on paper so when the next mom has a baby with a cleft and she googles information she can find it. 

I know LLL has a pamphlet about clefts but again it wasn't very detailed. Barbara Wilson-Clay also wrote a few articles. Has someone already done something like this and I just wasn't able to find it?  I would have read a NOVEL if someone would have given it to me in the early days. I was desperate for information. 
Any input would be appreciated. 

Jessica Harper 


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