The idea that quality honey cannot be produced by simple methods, is of course wrong. Quality honey can be produced using a hand extractor and a simple strainers, if one is paying attention to details. The honey produced in third world countries is not to be looked down upon because they are not working on a large scale. Even a few hundred pounds of honey for sale can benefit families who have little or no other income. Collectives in Africa, So. America purchase honey from these small scale producers and tidy it up for the overseas buyers. The honey has the distinction of being produced in parts of the world where they cannot afford and so do not use insecticides by the ton. Personally, I used to produce 40,000 pounds a summer using a 25 frame extractor, a Maxant chain uncapped and a big old milk tank, housed in a tiny out building. That's probably medieval by some folks standards. But the honey was as good as anybody else's.


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