I apologize, as I know there have been posts on this subject before, but I haven't been able to find any solid answers.

My hospital is working to re-write my job description, and they are having trouble conducting a salary search since I don't have a nursing degree. I am an IBCLC, and I have a Bachelor of Science with an individualized major in Health Education, Social Work, and Child Development. I also work as a Peer Counselor and IBCLC for WIC, and there I am payed on a Health Educator rate. We are a small rural hospital in Northern Wisconsin, but the largest hospital in our county. We do about 320 births a year. There are two other LC's in our county, but we all have different education backgrounds.

If anyone can share their experience with me I would really appreciate it. You can email me at [log in to unmask] Thank you so much!

Angela Chivers


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