You hit that nail square on the head, Debbie!

Holly McSpadden, IBCLC
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

-----Original Message-----
From:         [log in to unmask]
Sender:       Lactation Information and Discussion <[log in to unmask]>
Date:         Wed, 3 Aug 2011 11:23:21 
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Reply-To:     Lactation Information and Discussion <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Nine complaints in two weeks

In a message dated 8/3/2011 9:56:33 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  
[log in to unmask] writes:

I would  suggest contacting the clinic manager of the pediatric group 
that treated  the 9 women who were upset with their lactation management. 
The  pediatricians would likely value your feedback and suggestions on  
improving their management. I think you could forge a healthy  
relationship with the pediatric group, so that you are caring for women  
as a team, and you no longer are an emergency  worker.>>>>
Thank you for this reply and I agree, this is exactly right and an  
excellent suggestion, ...and yes, most peds would welcome and appreciate, and  this 
is exactly what any dedicated LC with *ample time and energy* would do/does 
An LC in most locations in the US could do this all day all week, educate  
fellow healthcare providers in hospitals and in communities whom have caused 
 their clients problems that lead to more problems. After a few or several 
years  it can become too frustrating and exhausting. LCs in private practice 
 trying to make a living or just break even may find it just too 
time-consuming  in spite of the potential longer-term benefit of developing a great 
relationship  with the peds practice.
I hope Susan can find a way to manage this shell shock, which can seem  
relentless at times or thank-fully just intermittent, before burnout sets  in.
Suggestion for an conference session: Lactation Shell Shock: prevention and 
 treatment, acute and long-term, how to cope, how to survive.
Debbie Tobin
Fairfax County, Virginia suburbs outside the Washington DC  beltway


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