>What is so 'nice'about uniformity? We are unnecessarily
>imposing our own values on the bees.


A good point.  Maybe I should expand a bit.

Cutting a wedge at the corners of a frame,
allows space for bees to draw drone cells if 
they choose.  This, in my opinion, allows for
the bees values to be adhered to, by providing
space for drone cells at the peripheral of the
broodnest, where they are typically located
in a natural nest.  If each frame has 10 to 20 
percent drone cells at the peripheral.  No mater
where these  frames are placed, the colony will 
have access to the percentage of drone cells typically 
found in natural nests, and the urge to construct
drone cells can be satisfied. 

If you do not provide space for drone construction,
you are basically flipping a coin as to where 
the drone cells will end up being placed.  I 
believe, by not providing space for drone cells
at the peripheral, you are forcing the colony
to construct drone cells in places that a colony
or the beekeeper normally would not prefer
them to be constructed. -like in the center 
of a frame, or peppered across worker brood.

Best Wishes
Joe Waggle


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