I worked with a Mom who used premarin cream for several weeks when her child was young (perhaps age 2 weeks through 6 weeks).  At that point Mom was weaning off the pump after a rough nursing start (latch issues) and baby was exclusively nursing.  She definitely had a humongous milk supply and a healthy, well-gaining child in the 90th percentile.  Premarin made no noticeable impact on milk supply in this case. 

However, I do feel that women respond to hormones differently.  I've known Moms whose milk supply really suffer on the mini-pill and others who do not seem impacted.  Of course that is not estrogen, but I wouldn't be surprised if estrogen has varying impacts person to person as well.

If the Mom chooses to use premarin, she could stop using it if she notices a decrease in pumping yield.


Ellen Rubin, MA, IBCLC, LLLL


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