Hello All

Just a quick update regarding the baby who has reflux and no weight loss, possible over supply. Well, after day's and day's of backwards and forwards I persuaded Mum to space the little ones feeds to every 3 - 4 hours and he has hardly been sick at all! He has now started Losec as well, which Mum doesn't think is helping at all after just over a week of usage but I am not convinced she is actually giving it as prescribed, ie she is missing doses! He doesn't seem to be in pain anymore but is much more miserable.

She is now giving the baby water in between feeds as she says he is screaming for milk and constantly hungry but if she allows him to demand feed he is just sick. 

I am now not convinced this child actually has a problem at all. She has paid for a private appointment with a gastro specialist next Tuesday and I would imagine she will be told to formula feed him? 

Is it possible that this is just a greedy baby and he is experiencing overflow rather than reflux? My middle child used to overflow with milk. She said she tried him with finger food again last week and he just arched his back and screamed. At almost 7 months is it possible that he just stressed and responding to her extreme stress levels? 

I will wait with interest to hear what the Paediatric gastro specialist has to say! 

Thanks once again for all your replies on and off list



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