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So I have this puzzle.  First time mother, babe is now 3 weeks old.  I met with mother on day 5 and 8.  Backstory: precipitous birth, but unremarkable.  Babe had great difficulty latching and was supplemented some due to 10% weight loss by day 5; however, was supplemented with EBM mostly.  Mom has never had any problems pumping and has a bountiful supply.  Babe has a first degree tongue tie, but with relatively good movement and control.  Mother has inverted nipples, which ever only very slightly with stimulation.  Mother and Father were unwilling to consider ENT consult and were able to use a nipple shield with success. (Ironically, maternal great grandmother suggested this as she had had difficult breastfeeding grandmother- the mother of the client).  

Received a call today that there is still "internal, just behind the nipple" pain.  We had talked about this initially and I described why nipples are inverted and the adhesions that are holding the nipple in place.  Her question is whether frenotomy would decrease the pain since babe would be able to get more breast tissue in his mouth?   My feeling is possibly yes.  Does anyone have experience with this that might be able to provide a stronger answer.  They continue to use a shield and are doing well exclusively breastfeeding, but she would like to be more comfortable.

Lea Rivera Todaro, IBCLC

Brooklyn, NY


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