Hi! I started working as a hospital IBCLC about 9 weeks ago.  When a newborn in the first 12 to 24 hrs of life is not latching, I have found the method taught by Jane Morton MD of the Stanford School of Medicine to be most helpful.  I teach mothers to do STS of course, but also have them do hand expression and feed the colostrum to the baby every hour or 2.  This seems to make an amazing difference in waking up the baby, probably upping the blood sugar, and it is usually not too long before the baby will start breastfeeding.

A hospitalist was questioning this method, and asked if I have any research to back it up.  I have the video and website information from Jane Morton, and the ABM protocols mention using this method, the WHO, etc...but I am haiving trouble finding actual research articles.  If anyone can help me out on this--my time for searching for these kinds of things is so limited--and nil at work, as I don't have a computer for this type of work.

Appreciate your help!

Kathleen L. Gale RN, IBCLC, RLC
Chicago, IL


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