1st. My daughter asked her hairdresser this question years ago with a term
baby.  Her colorist said that frosting is not a problem because the treated
hair lies on foil and the colorant doesn’t touch the scalp much.  But
stripping and coloring straight onto the scalp is something she doesn’t
recommend to pregnant or new moms because she herself isn’t supposed to
touch those chemicals with her bare hands for health reasons.  Good answer
on her part.

2nd. If you or a breastfeeding mom is looking for non-toxic hair dyes, try
your local health food store for brands.  That’s where I found
www.NaturColor.com  by Herbiceuticals out of Italy.  It has no ammonia and
no resorcinol.

My hair stylist first tried their salon brand on me.  I was sick for 3
months.  Just me--as I’m chemically sensitive.  However, I’ve been using
NaturColor for 10 years now with no adverse reactions. White and salt/pepper
hair darkens easily.  My colorist custom blends two colors for me.  I don’t
look good with white hair so I went back to my original dark brown. Also,
the reason I began coloring is that our well water made my white hair
strands yellow from its iron bacteria.  However, going to a lighter hair
color is the problem because stripping first takes chemicals. From their


Is it safe to use NATURCOLORTM if I am pregnant?
We at NATURCOLORTM have had numerous employees use our products during their
pregnancies with no adverse side effects. Our best advise is to show your
doctor the ingredient list located on the side of the box. Your doctor is
the only one who is familiar with your specific health issues. You do also
have the option of not coloring your root area. This would ensure that
product does not come into contact with your scalp.



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