Hi All,

I had a mother question her Dr's. recommendation for giving 'trivisol' to her 2 week old.
After doing a limited search, I could only find comments on it being better to give Vit D. singularly.
Does anyone knew where to look to find current recommendations?
I had no luck when on the AAP site.
The only thing I found is in Ruth Lawrence book (in appendix I  of her 6th editon pg 1025):
"This subject bears further dicsussion, particularly with respect to the most widely used vitamin supplents ; vit A, vit C, D and E iron and fluoride".

She also wondered if breastfeeding mother's need a calcium supplement on top of their prenatal vitamin?
Her Dr. has her taking extra.
She is a vegetarian. 

Are these old recommendations?
BTW: She said she has never had her vitamin levels tested.



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