Hello wise women.  I am seeking help for a consultation I'll be having tomorrow.  I got a call from a midwife asking me to see this mom.  Here is the situation as I know it.

 4th breastfed baby. she developed mastitis during this pg. she was not breastfeeding when she got PG.  She was put on antibiotics (I don't know what week)  She is seeing a breast spec. and continues on antibiotics.  A huge abcess  is being drained but since the birth of the baby  is  devloping more abcesses near areola. baby is 2 days old. that breast is extremely painful, swollen and engorged.  nipple has practically disappeared.  She tried breastfeeding on that side but it was unbearable. baby nursing w/o pain to mom on other side.  I haven't talked to the mom yet, so there is still a lot I don't know.  E.g., has she been tested for MRSA?  ANY THOUGHTS will be welcome!  

I thought I'd seen everything, but this is a new one!

Renee Beebe, M.Ed., IBCLC
Seattle, WA


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