Hi all
I have read through Jerry 's paper and I am thoroughly impressed by the magnitude of the work he and his team have done. Even if it does not point directly to control measures, it undoubtedly has vastly increased our understanding of honey bee biology and the methods of detection now available. 

However, as Bob points out, it underscores more than ever the need to control the pests that we can control, as these are at the very least weakening colonies and there is plenty of evidence that mites or nosema can transmit, vector and even enhance the effects of the many viral pathogens. 

In other words, everything we do to weaken bees makes them susceptible to illness, and everything we do to enhance health will help protect them. This is not new, of course, but I suggest that every practice be accompanied by the thought "is this really helping the colony, or is it going to be another nail in the coffin?"

Personally, I would avoid corn syrup and artificial diets as much as possible. I would monitor varroa levels constantly and treat only if necessary. The moving away from IPM practices (e.g.., preemptive treatment) is a big mistake. Lobby for more advanced treatment methods; support the research community.


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