I'm unmoved as I have seen and heard too many well meaning self diagnosed CCD cases that had some more rational explanation when further investigated. Your initial post headed off into the weeds right away with a speculation it was caused by queen failure. Since when was France ground zero for CCD and when did CCD have anything to do with queen failure? 

The following story I think is indicative of the problems we face with self diagnosis. When CCD initially hit the airwaves in 06/07 Marla Spivak got a call from a frantic local stationary sideliner who was certain he had the mysterious CCD. Marla explained that she was curious and took her veil and drove out to see the apiary. 

She said she could smell the AFB the moment she got out of her truck.  If I recall the beekeeper had considerable experience. 

What other industry crisis can you think of that is completely self diagnosed?  If Marla had not investigated, Mr Sideliner would have qualified as a genuine statistic worthy of media and internet chat group attention etc. 

Enough said.............

Kathy if you keep bees for many years you will find that there are many ways to depopulate a hive, especially during the fall, winter, early spring time frame. Speculation and voodoo science has long been part of the beekeeping culture.  Its in the old bee books and still alive and well today as the internet is full of strange theories etc. 

I have no doubt that CCD is real - I just question the notion its everywhere when my own experiences tell me a much different story.  We just saw a flurry of misinformation this week concerning losses on Vancouver Island in BC that as it turned out is unlikely to be anything more then operator error revolving around new ownership, poor weather in fall and winter mite losses.  

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