<[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> Just a couple of comments on Jane's post. Jane is correct in that the Code
> does not prohibit Medela from making and selling feeding bottles and
> nipples. However, there is more to the Code than glamorizing or
> idealizing feeding bottles.

A further followup on this issue: Medela is continuing to advertise
bottlefeeding in a naturalising/idealising way to mothers and

The blog Dou-la-la just spotted this sign at a big baby store, having
found that the store had discontinued notices for community-based
breastfeeding support groups and independent birth classes:


Basics of Breastfeeding Workshop
6:30 pm on Tuesday, February 9th

Ready, Set, Pump! Get the scoop on breastfeeding and all the great
products sure to make it easy to feed baby naturally.

Proud Sponsor: Medela



Lara Hopkins


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