Bob writes:

> I think you have been reading too many chemical company propaganda internet reports if you believe we would all starve without the neonicotinoids.  ...  a higher amount of DDT is being used today in our fields than in the day of Rachael Carson 

Dear Bob,
We have taken great pains to avoid this kind of condescending sneer. I have read one or two of Bayer's pamphlets. I read the package that came with the stuff I squirted on my dog. I have tried to be objective in all this, as a careful reading of my previous post will show. I pointed directly to a recent issue of Apidologie which highlights current suspicions that a combination of chemicals, including neonics, could be responsible for the decline of bees worldwide. Could be. 

I don't know where you got that notion about DDT, though.

> All uses of DDT were banned by EPA in 1972, except in cases of public health emergencies. DDT was banned because the chemical was building up in the environment and possibly hurting wildlife. Also, some cancer tests in laboratory animals showed positive results. Although DDT is no longer used in the United States, federal regulations still control the amounts of DDT allowed in food and water.

The Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR), based in Atlanta, Georgia, a federal public health agency of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

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