Dear all:

Doing test-weighing for 24 hours makes as much sense as saying that all of the other 
tools we use to observe a feeding must be repeated for 24 hours including watching 
swallowing rhythmicity, behavior, and diapers at each and every feeding during a 24 
hours.  In fact, test weighing at each and every feed becomes ever more disruptive to the 
feeding process itself.  What may take a few minutes for one feeding starts to add up.

I would argue that it is NOT necessary to weigh for 24 hours if you look at the big picture 
and see the mother and baby over time.  There is much one can learn from the mother in 
terms of how a single feeding compares to other feedings.  There is much one can learn 
from other indicators besides the test weigh.  There is much one can learn from doing 
test weighs on a weekly, rather than a daily basis.  

In cultures where feeding is not disrupted by scheduling, there really isn't that much 
difference from one feed to the next.  In cultures where feeding is disrupted by 
scheduling, you can usually find out from qualitative interviewing techniques how those 
patterns figure into the timing of the feeding.

Test weighing over 24 hours may be important for some specific research questions.  It 
might be helpful with the one very rare case I saw when the baby whose intake was on 
the high end, but was losing weight due to a metabolic problem.  But I say MAY --- 
because it was actually easily apparent from just one test weigh.  Any further weighing 
would have only been to PROVE it to a skeptical pediatrician who didn't trust the mothers 
observations.  The mother knew her baby was taking a lot even before the test weigh.


Susan E. Burger, MHS, PhD, IBCLC


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