I have a mom who has been battling recurrent plugged ducts for the last two months.  Baby 
is 3 months old.  Baby's latch and position is fine.  Mother has been doing everything right 
to deal with it.  Lecithin, massage, hot compress, more nursing, nursing with the baby's 
chin on the site -- but she continues to get at least one plug a week.

Baby does seem to have a small tongue tie (tongue extends just to the outer edge of the 
lips, but does not form a heart when she is crying.  She does have good lateralization), 
which I think may be the problem.  Mother has just returned to work and would like to try 
and reach her goal of six months of breastfeeding.

Any advice? Should I recommend an ENT consult? Is there anything else this mom can try?

(IBCLC in training)


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