Film Music of Judith Shatin Performed in Indiana on April 18 and Chamber
Music Performed in Florida on April 19

Music of Judith Shatin will be presented in Indiana and Florida in the
next few days:

Saturday, April 18 - 8 PM - Electronic music from the film Rotunda
will be given its Premiere at the Performance Theater of Sweetwater Sound
Inc., 5501 U.S.  Highway 30 West in Fort Wayne, Indiana, as part of the
Society for Electro-Acoustic Music in the United States (SEAMUS) 2009
National Conference.  More about this performance at

Sunday, April 19 - 7 PM - Run for piano quartet will be presented in
the Stone House Ballroom of the Deering Estate at Cutler, 16701 SW 72nd
Avenue in Miami Florida.  Artists of the Living Artist Concert Series
will perform the work choreographed with a visual Artist in Residence
installation.  Ms.  Shatin is in-residence with the 2008-09 Deering
Estate Living Artist Series.  More about this performance at

Shatin, a University of Virginia professor of music, conceived of the
Rotunda project while looking out her office window at Thomas Jefferson's
Lawn and Rotunda.  Designed by Jefferson to represent the 'authority of
nature and the power of reason,' the Rotunda is the architectural and
symbolic center of the University of Virginia, founded by Jefferson in
1824 as the first secular Liberal Arts University in America.  Inspired
by these now threatened ideals, Judith Shatin and filmmaker Robert Arnold
created a sound and video portrait of the Rotunda that juxtaposes its
timeless majesty with the every-changing hum of daily life.

The composer has written, 'Run, a one-movement piece for piano quartet,
plays on the musical and temporal meanings of the word "run", with
chromatic runs that are rhythmically displaced and crosscut, and with
changing and layered rates of fast-paced motion.  Respite is brief, as
it so often is in our lives.  Run was inspired by the perceptual grouping
experiments of my husband, cognitive psychologist Michael Kubovy, with
particular emphasis on grouping by proximity and similarity; and by the
pointillist paintings of Andrew Forge, whose method evolved from an
intuitive attraction factor between dots.  Both of these sources inspired
a fresh look at the perceptual cross currents of rhythm and pitch.  Run
was commissioned by the Currents Ensemble and composed at the MacDowell
Artist Colony in 2001.'

Called "marvelously inventive" by the Washington Post and "exuberant
and captivating" by the San Francisco Chronicle, Judith Shatin's
music reflects her adventures as a timbral explorer.  Her music is
internationally performed and has been featured at festivals including
Aspen, BAM Next Wave, Grand Teton, Havana in Spring, Moscow Autumn, Seal
Bay, Ukraine and West Cork.  Orchestras that have performed her music
include the Denver, Houston, Illinois, Knoxville, Minnesota, National
and Richmond Symphonies.  Shatin's music can be heard on the Centaur,
Neuma, New World and Sonora labels.  She has been commissioned by many
organizations and ensembles across the United States, including the
Barlow Foundation, Kronos Quartet, National Symphony, Hexagon Ensemble
and Virginia Chamber Orchestra.  You can hear a Noizepunk and Das Krooner
interview with Judith Shatin at 
Read her Hearing Things newsletter at  Visit her
online at

For more information about Judith Shatin, contact Jeffrey James Arts
Consulting at 516-586-3433 or [log in to unmask]

Jeffrey James Arts Consulting

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